
Considered one of the most accredited gold and silver assayers in this region, our teams of expert personnel are committed to adhering to the highest of standards when testing precious metals.

Expert Assaying

SPM is considered one of the most notable assayers of gold and silver in the region. In pursuit of offering the highest calibre of gold and silver products, our Assaying Laboratories and Quality Control departments are full service. 

At SAM precious metals, Gold is tested by the method of combination of the cupellation, ICP machines, advanced X-ray fluorescence spectrometers (XRF), SPARK spectrometers, and other methods for the highest accuracy in testing gold. And for the silver, we use a combination of the cupellation method, ICP machines, advanced X-ray fluorescence spectrometers (XRF), SPARK spectrometers, and in addition titration techniques for testing silver.


Quality is never accidental, it is always the result of a committed effort.


The fineness of our precious metals meet the highest of standards


We test our silver and gold at qualified testing laboratories and facilities.


We take pride in the timely delivery of the highest calibre of goods.


We maximise cost-efficiency without compromising the integrity of our products.

How can we help?

The highest quality of products and service will always be our commitment to you.